Faculty Directory (Kosaku Nagasaka)

Name Kosaku Nagasaka (長坂 耕作)
Title 准教授
E-Mail nagasaka [at] main [dot] h [dot] kobe-u [dot] ac [dot] jp
Degree PhD (University of Tsukuba)
Research Field Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Faculty 国際人間科学部 » 環境共生学科 » 環境数理科学プログラム
Graduate School 人間発達環境学研究科 » 人間環境学専攻 » 環境基礎科学系, 数理情報環境論
Researcher Info. Directory of Researchers in Kobe University
Personal Site https://wwwmain.h.kobe-u.ac.jp/~nagasaka/
Research Interest

Symbolic-Numeric Computation (e.g. factoring polynomials and solving algebraic equations with inexact/erroneous coefficients) and Its Applications (e.g. making them available via the Net).

Photo Kosaku Nagasaka